Blue Plains AWWTP ENR First Contract Slurry Wall and Tankage
Expansion at the one of the country’s largest treatment plants.

- Location
- Washington, DC
- Delivery Method
- Design-Bid-Build
- Market
- Water / Wastewater
- Client
- DC Water
- Year Complete
- 2013
- Region
- Mid-Atlantic
Project Overview
This $71 million project included the construction of a 900-mgd low-head pump station, 40-million-gallon denitrification reactors with mixers, post-aeration chambers and seven facility buildings. Work included the construction of a sea wall to raise site grades above the 500-year flood elevation; installation of a slurry wall around the perimeter of the denitrification tank with excavations over 60 feet deep; and excavation, removal, hauling and offsite disposal of over 200,000 cubic yards of material. Over 70,000 cubic yards of concrete was placed during construction.
Cubic Yard of Material Hauled Offsite
MGD Low-Head Pump Station
Contract Value Self-Performed by PC