On April 26, PC Construction joined the City of Palm Coast to celebrate the groundbreaking for a new 2-mgd wastewater treatment plant. The project was awarded to PC Construction earlier this year after a competitively bid procurement process.
The new facility, which is being constructed on approximately 15 acres of City-owned land adjacent to Water Treatment Plant No. 3, will consist of headworks with screening, grit removal and odor control facilities; MBR process tanks and treatment; aeration blowers; chlorine contact tanks; sewage and reclaimed water pumping facilities; a 2 mg reclaimed water storage tank, 2 mg storage reject/percolation pond; sludge holding tanks; sludge dewatering facilities; chemical storage and feeders; electrical distribution; controls; standby electrical generation; and several structures. Work also includes site improvements such as grading, paving surface restoration and support utilities and all appurtenances necessary for a complete MBR wastewater treatment plant.
Full construction operations are expected to ramp up by end of May with completion scheduled for November 2017. Stay tuned for PC Construction updates from sunny Florida!