PC Construction Signs on to Vermont Equal Pay Compact During Women in Construction Week

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South Burlington, VT – PC Construction announced today that it has joined over 180 other Vermont companies in signing on to a Vermont Equal Pay Compact, pledging its support for gender equity in the workplace. It’s a move that coincides with national Women in Construction Week, but that also honors PC’s longstanding commitment to elevating strong women at its employee-owned company.

The Vermont Equal Pay Compact – an initiative spearheaded by the Vermont Commission on Women – provides a way for Vermont employers to show their support for closing the gender wage gap, removing barriers to women’s advancement, and improving economic security for women and their families.

“The Vermont Commission on Women welcomes PC Construction as a signer to the Equal Pay Compact,” said VCW Chair Lisa Senecal. “The Compact allows employers to learn about and show support for closing the gender wage gap in our state, and in turn, improve economic security for women and their families. Legislation alone can’t fix this: employers are the key, and action on this is particularly important in the trades, where women are under-represented.”

Women make up only 2.7% of workers in the construction trades, and 9.1% of workers in the construction industry, according to 2017 data compiled by the Associated General Contractors. At PC, women represent 17% of the entire employee population and 4.2% of field employees. The company also has two women vice presidents, as well as women leaders in every area across the company. While the company outpaces the industry in terms of the advancement of women, it is committed to making even more progress in the coming years.

“This places us well above the industry average, but far below equal representation,” said Jay Fayette, President and CEO of PC Construction. “Diversity and Inclusion is a process requiring continuous effort and we’re committed to that. We are glad to be counted among the nearly 200 Vermont companies who are working towards equality for women employees. As part of the compact, PC will continue its work to advance more women leaders in every area of the company.”

Said Eve Norris, Vice President of Operations: “I’ve worked at PC for 32 years. I’m proud to be part of an employee-owned company that empowers everyone to be an active and engaged part of making PC a great place to work for all.”

Added Nicole LaBrecque, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development: “I’m also proud to see that PC is continually seeking out women and minority candidates for job opportunities, and hires and promotes women regularly. When I look around the room during a meeting, I’m not the only woman at the table, which is a great feeling for me and a notable achievement for this company.”