It is not often that we are given the opportunity to see or shape our future outside of our normal working regimen. I was presented with a chance to do just that when PC was asked to guest lecture about estimating technicalities to over 90 seniors in the Wentworth Institute of Technology Construction Program. The students are in the final few months of their capstone project which includes a preconstruction proposal and fee followed by several estimates at varying design levels for a set of plans and culminating with a guaranteed maximum price that needs to be within a few percentage points of their pricing efforts.
My two-hour lecture covered the structure of general conditions and general requirements, contingencies, escalations and industry trends, and profitability opportunities on different project deliverable methods.
The seniors were engaged and their questions generated fantastic discussion that ultimately will help broaden their understanding and support their capstone project.
I found this opportunity to be very exciting, both personally and professionally. The thought of having contributed to the students’ success and giving them a glance at a career here at PC was extremely gratifying. These interactions are so incredibly important and provide an opportunity for students and others to learn from the expertise of our community’s business leaders.