Maryland City WRF Expansion in Full Swing

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What a difference nine months makes in construction! These photos compare the Maryland City Water Reclamation Facility at the start of construction (top) for the $30 million expansion and now, just nine months later (bottom). This project, located in Laurel, Maryland, includes a new headworks building with grit removal systems, two new reactor basins with a rehab of two exiting reactors, a new clarifier with a rehab of two exiting clarifiers, two new filters with the replacement of three existing, a new post aeration facility with new effluent line and outfall. Other structures include new odor control systems, several junction boxes, new emergency power systems, and an updated operations building with solids processing equipment. In less words, the entire plant gets reassembled in an intense 18-month period. Upon completion in early 2017, the project will nearly double the waste processing capacity of the existing facility.

Crews are well on their way to meeting milestones with the vast majority of concrete and difficult yard pipe placed.