We are so pleased to announce that PC has once again been honored with a Gold Level Governor’s Excellence in Worksite Wellness Award by the Vermont Department of Health and the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The award recognizes Vermont organizations with an established wellness strategy that consistently promotes physical fitness and a healthy work-life balance.
Health and safety are at the very core of our business and we take every measure necessary to ensure our employee-owners receive the support they need to maintain healthy lifestyles – both on and off the job. Our partnership with Marathon Health allows us to provide consistent health and wellness services – from an onsite nurse practitioner and ongoing health coaching to biometric screenings, comprehensive health reviews and chronic condition management. We even reward our employee-owners for completing health and wellness activities throughout the year, and the results are tremendous.
Last year brought additional challenges with COVID-19. We adapted, working with Marathon Health to ensure that services were not interrupted. Health coaching continued with a virtual twist and services shifted to focus on maintaining mental and physical health during the pandemic.
While we continue to provide programs and an environment supportive of employee health, we are most proud of the actions our employee-owners take to improve and maintain a positive, healthy lifestyle.
Photo: PC’s dedicated Marathon Health nurse and I celebrate the Worksite Wellness Award in the health station at our Vermont office..