Vermont Employee-Owned Companies Raise $17,800 and Collect 3,000 Pounds of Food to Benefit Vermont Food Bank

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Being a 100% employee-owned company is pretty cool. Being surrounded by an amazing group of other Vermont employee-owned companies that love to do good in the community is even better. When it came time to celebrate Employee Ownership Month, the Employee Owners of Vermont decided to come together and truly make a difference. Our target – the Vermont Food Bank.

Throughout the course of a month, the Employee Owners of Vermont raised a total of $17,800, making it the Food Bank’s largest online campaign. Additionally, the group collected over 3,000 pounds of food that was donated directly to their local food shelves.

“We are blown away by the success of the Employee Owners of Vermont’s fundraising efforts,” says Vermont Foodbank CEO, John Sayles. “The $17,800 that they raised will provide nearly 30,000 meals to families, kids, older adults, and individuals in Vermont struggling with hunger. These efforts will truly change lives. A wholehearted thank you to all of the Employee Owners of Vermont businesses who stepped up to make this possible!”

Thank you to all of our amazing employee-owned counterparts for your efforts:

Stay tuned for our next adventure!