These photos were taken 24 hours apart by Construction Coordinator Bob McClintock at the site of PC Construction’s Huntington Falls Redevelopment project for Green Mountain Power in Weybridge, Vermont. These are pre- and post-dewatering following cofferdam installation by our subcontractor, Bancroft Contracting. This work allows for the redevelopment of the headworks including removal of the existing trash rakers and trash rack systems servicing two separate powerhouses. New construction includes reconfigured trash racks and a common trash raker, allowing Green Mountain Power to recognize operational savings of a single intake structure. Other upgrades at the headworks include a new trash rack air blast system, control building and dual leaf sluice gate. In addition to the headworks redevelopment, new turbines and generators are being installed at the circa 1910 powerhouse and the substation will be completely overhauled. The site will return to generating power by the end of February 2017.