Employee Owners of Vermont Efforts a Success

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We officially closed down our month-long employee ownership celebration with great success. Throughout the month of October, we banded together with a team of Vermont employee-owned companies to give back to the community. The 20-company team set a big goal to raise $20,000 for the Vermont Foodbank and 4,000 pounds of food for local food shelves.

PC Construction started off out of the gate strong with a racecar theme. We watched non-perishables such as boxes of pasta and cans of soup transform into racecars in our lobby. Our efforts paid off! Today we delivered 560 pounds of food to the new food shelf in South Burlington, Vermont, and watched our online donations creep up over $2,800.

Add this to the efforts of the 19 other Vermont employee-owned companies and we achieved outstanding results! While the tally is still out on the total weight of food donated, we crushed our online fundraising goal with over $30,000 raised!

Thank you to everyone who helped us reach this goal!