PC Construction Donates $5,000 To Common Roots

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South Burlington, VT – PC Construction has donated $5,000 to Common Roots, a local nonprofit organization committed to food education and food access. Common Roots, founded in 2009, is based in South Burlington, Vermont, with a dynamic mission to foster relationships among farmers, educators, youth, families, and the wider community through place-based education and service programs.

Said PC Construction President and CEO Jay Fayette, “Common Roots is such an important organization for our community. Not only do they provide children and families in need with quality food and vegetables – particularly during school breaks when meals aren’t readily available – but they also support local farmers by educating the community about our food system. PC’s employee-owners understand the importance of supporting basic needs in our community and we are proud to partner with organizations doing great work to help our neighbors in need of the essentials.”

“We are committed to providing several avenues for children, parents, and community members to participate in food access from soil to consumption,” said Common Roots director Carol McQuillen. “We couldn’t make this happen without the generous support of organizations like PC Construction who truly value the importance of giving back to support the needs of our community.”

Common Roots has led the Community Food Shares program for eleven years and will now partner with the new South Burlington Food Shelf to serve the wider South Burlington community. This shift will allow Common Roots to attain three important goals for 2020: grow more organic food for the Food Shelf, offer taste tests with recipes of the produce available at the Food Shelf, and invite Food Shelf participants to the Common Roots Farm at South Village to participate in growing food and have the opportunity to select their own vegetables right at the farm.